Re-Adoption - Process by where international adoptive parents adopt their children for a second time in front of a U.S. judge.
Reactive Attachment Disorder - A condition with onset before age 5, resulting from an early lack of consistent care, characterized by a child's or infant's inability to make appropriate social contact with others. Symptoms may include failure to thrive, developmental delays, failure to make eye contact, feeding disturbances, hyper-sensitivity to touch and sound, failure to initiate or respond to social interaction, indiscriminate sociability, self-stimulation and susceptibility to infection.
Relinquishment - Legal act by which birth parents consent to an adoption and give up all legal rights to a child so an adoption can take place.
Residential Care Facility - A structured 24-hour care facility with staff that provide psychological services to help severely troubled children overcome behavioral, emotional, mental or psychological problems that adversely affect family interaction, school achievement and peer relationships.
Residential Treatment - Therapeutic intervention processes for individuals who cannot or do not function satisfactorily in their own homes. For children and adolescents, residential treatment tends to be the last resort when a child is in danger of hurting himself or others.
Respite Care - Temporary or short-term home care of a child provided for pay or on a voluntary basis by adults other than the parents (birth, foster or adoptive parents).
Response Time - A determination made by CPS and law enforcement regarding the immediacy of the response needed to a report of child abuse or neglect.
Reunification - The returning of foster children to the custody of their parent(s) after placement outside the home.
Reunification Services - Interventions by social worker and other professionals to help children and their birth parents develop mutually reciprocal relationships that will help them to live together again as a family.
Reunion - A meeting between birthparent(s) and an adopted adult or between an adopted adult and other birth relatives. The adopted adult may have been placed as an infant and thus has no memory of the birthparent(s).
Review Hearings - Held by the juvenile and family court to review dispositions (usually every six months) and to determine the need to maintain placement in out-of-home care or court jurisdiction of a child.
Revoke - Take back consent to an adoption. Some states offer no time for revocation while other states place a time limit.
Risk - The likelihood that a child will be maltreated in the future.
Risk Assessment - To assess and measure the likelihood that a child will be maltreated in the future, frequently through the use of checklists, matrices, scales and other methods of measurement.
Risk Factors - Behaviors and conditions present in the child, parent or family that will likely contribute to child maltreatment occurring in the future.
Ritalin - A commonly prescribed drug that can help to control some of the symptoms of attention deficit disorder. It may have a calming effect and help to improve concentration.