Rhode Island  Home Study Professionals

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Listed below are the various Rhode Island agencies that can help you with your adoption home study:

The Adoption Homestudy Service Agency
Coverage:Entire State
Other Info:The Adoption Homestudy Service Agency (TAHSA), is a licensed, non-profit adoption home study agency that has been providing personalized pre-adoption and post-adoption services to families since 2000. We are licensed in Rhode Island to provide a full array of adoption related services including adoption home study reports, home study updates, and post-adoption/post-placement reports to adoptive families (couples, single parents, same sex couples) who are adopting a child(ren) Domestically or Internationally. Additionally, we also provide Home Assessment Evaluations for Step-Parent or Relative Adoptions, Guardianships, Independent Adoptions as well as for Court Ordered Assessments and for families Hosting children from abroad. TAHSA is experienced with Interstate Compact Compliance regulations, allowing Rhode Island families to easily work with Adoption Placement Agencies throughout the United States. TAHSA also serves as an Exempt Provider in partnership with Hague Accredited Agencies to complete International Home Studies. In order to accommodate all families who may have varied lifestyles and schedules, home studies are done in your home at your convenience, including evenings and weekends. Because we are a small agency, we can start your home study process within a week of contacting us, with completion within a six to eight week timeframe, depending on receipt of all supporting documentation. We look forward to assisting, supporting and guiding you as you navigate your journey through the adoption process.

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