Tell us a little about the founding and development of your organization? Morning Star Adoption Center was founded in 1987 by adoptive parents to assist with the placement of children into loving homes.
How are your adoption home study and your organization unique? It is our goal to provide excellent services at affordable prices. Morning Star Adoption Center is committed to making the home study process a positive experience for our clients. We welcome all potential clients regardless of race, age, religion, marital status, sexual orientation or gender.
Why are you passionate about adoption and the home study process?
We believe adoption is a loving choice and that every child should be placed in a loving home that is safe and appropriate. We feel strongly that adoptive families should be well informed and well prepared since adoption is a lifelong experience. We believe adoption should be affordable and strive to keep our fees reasonable.
How long is an adoption home study valid? In Michigan a home study is valid for one year from the date it is completed. Morning Star Adoption Center is able to complete an annual update for a very reasonable fee, if needed.
Approximately how much time is necessary to complete an adoption home study by your organization? We are generally able to complete a home study within 60 days of receipt of an application.
(Note: In Michigan, there is about a 6 to 8 week turnaround time for background clearances which we have no control over. Our social workers are able to complete the home study report in less than 60 days providing the family has submitted all paperwork and been available for the interview process. Generally the home study report is completed well before clearances have been received from Division of Child Welfare Licensing.)
Can adoptive parents use a home study completed by your organization to adopt a child born in another state?
We have completed many home studies for Michigan families that adopted in other states. We are able to meet requirements to satisfy any other agency or state requirements as long as we are provided with specific agency (or state) guidelines and requirements by the applicant.
If you complete my home study, do you also have to complete my post-placement visits? Morning Star will complete any post placement visits and supervisory reports that may be needed, however, we do not require a family to use our supervision services. The decision is up to the adoptive family.
How many post-placement visits does your organization require? If you are adopting in Michigan, the courts will usually require three months of supervision and Michigan licensing rules require monthly post placement visits until an adoption is final. However, if a family is adopting in another state that requires more or less supervision, we can provide whatever number of post placement visits as required by the state in which the adoption is filed.
What is some advice you can give to potential adoptive families about the home study process? What should they be prepared for? We like to tell families that a home study is a process that is compromised of three parts, submitting required documents, completing some training, and participating in interviews with an adoption social worker. In other words, be prepared for the paperwork process, learning, and being asked many questions! We also like to advise families that when approaching the home study process and adoption as a whole, always seek out information and get your questions answered so you can make sound decisions based on knowledge.
What do your home study social workers look for in a home and a family when they visit potential adoptive families' homes? Our social workers are looking for homes to have adequate space, and to be safe with appropriate levels of cleanliness for a child. We recognize and appreciate every family as being unique. We encourage families to be open, honest and candid throughout the home study process.
Are you Hague accredited, and if not, does your international home study comply with Hague International Standards? Morning Star is not Hague accredited and we do not complete international home studies.
Do you have experience in completing the home study and working with international placement companies? In the past, Morning Star completed international home studies and provided supervision for international adoptions but we no longer provide these services.
Are there other services and benefits you would like to share about your company? We provide adoption services to adoptive families and birth parents throughout the entire state of Michigan. We are comfortable working cooperatively with other agencies or attorneys.