Tell us a little about the founding and development of your organization? Adoption Resources & Counseling, Inc. was founded in 2011 as a way to assist any capable Georgia resident in their adoption journey. Adoption Resources & Counseling, Inc. is a non-profit agency which is licensed as a Child-Placing Agency to service Georgia families who intend to adopt, or have already adopted and are in need of adoption services. Adoption Resources & Counseling, Inc. provides the following services to Georgia residents: Domestic and International Home Studies (including home study updates and subsequent home studies); Post-Placement Visitations; Court Reports required for finalization; Adoption Counseling Services; Embryo Adoption Home Study.
How are your adoption home study and your organization unique? Adoption Resources & Counseling, Inc. is honored to be the first and only Agency in Georgia to receive the All Children - All Families Seal of Recognition from the Human Rights Campaign". The Human Rights Campaign’s All Children—All Families initiative provides a comprehensive framework for agencies to establish policies and practices that welcome, support and affirm LGBT foster and adoptive parents.
Why are you passionate about adoption and the home study process?
Our staff has an invaluable amount of experience within the public and private sector of adoption. Adoption Resources & Counseling, Inc.’s Executive Director, Mindi Elliott, started working in adoptions in 1998 for an Atlanta metro county Department of Family Children Services as an Adoptions Case Manager. Mindi immediately fell in love with the process of adoption and witnessing children and families come together as one. In 2004, Mindi made the transition to work for a private adoption agency to further expand her knowledge and provide counseling services to adoptive and birth families. A few years later, Mindi then transitioned to be employed by a well-respected, nationally renowned Adoption Agency. Over the last eighteen years, Mindi has acquired the skills of composing home studies, assisting in adoptive family and birth family counseling, executing surrenders of parental rights, assisting in matching and placement of children, as well as assisting families through the legal finalization process of adoption. In addition to her private sector work, Mindi has also maintained her relationships within the Georgia foster care system completing contractual work with the Georgia Department of Human Resources in the realm of adoption. In 2011, Mindi decided to finalize a career goal of establishing a Child Placing Agency to work with Georgia families without the discrimination she had professionally experienced as stop blocks with other Agencies. Mindi Elliott shares “It has been an incredible experience and I have loved working with families and children in this capacity. In 2015, I achieved a personal dream of my own. After years of happily assisting my clients through their adoption processes, I went on my own adoption journey which led me to becoming an adoptive parent to the most amazing little boy through an open adoption. My own adoption journey has been an indescribably invaluable experience to relate to my clients not only on a professional level, but also as an adoptive parent of an open adoption. Every step of my path has led me to where I am at this point and I am excited of the prospects of the future with Adoption Resources & Counseling, Inc.â€
In regards to the home study process, Adoption Resources & Counseling, Inc. feels our Agency can provide the invaluable experiences of navigating through every sector of adoption. We can provide education and support through public adoptions, domestic adoptions, international adoptions and embryo adoptions. We are committed to support our families all the way through their adoption and post-adoption journeys 24/7. This is not simply a career, but a true passion for adoption that our employees encompass.
How long is an adoption home study valid? The home study is valid for one year of the completion date.
Approximately how much time is necessary to complete an adoption home study by your organization? We will attempt to meet any deadline needed by our home study applicant. We have completed expedite home studies in as little as 1-2 week time frames with clients studious in gathering the required documents. We are dedicated to helping a family at their pace, whether that pace is to be expedited or a slightly more relaxed process. On average a home study typically takes anywhere from 4-6 weeks.
Can adoptive parents use a home study completed by your organization to adopt a child born in another state?
Yes, without concern. Our Agency is a licensed Child Placing Agency in Georgia; we are very familiar with following the ICPC guidelines regarding home studies, as well as post-placement services.
If you complete my home study, do you also have to complete my post-placement visits? NO, however if your placement agency requires our Agency complete an “post-placement agreement†and you request our Agency to sign that form, then YES you will be required to utilized our Agency for your post-placement services.
How many post-placement visits does your organization require? The state of Georgia requires a minimum of two (2) home visits after a child is placed with an adoptive family, at least once per month prior to filing the adoption petition.
What is some advice you can give to potential adoptive families about the home study process? What should they be prepared for? The best advice we can give to our potential families is to take a deep breath and let us help you through this process. Adoption can be an overwhelming hurdle for many families, especially those families who have experienced incredible loss through infertility. We are here to help guide you through this home study process and answer any questions along the way. Families should be prepared for a very friendly, relaxed staff committed to help them achieve their goal of adoption. We are a team based Agency, within our organization as well as with the families we service.
What do your home study social workers look for in a home and a family when they visit potential adoptive families' homes? Our Adoption staff will be looking for your home to be an orderly and tidy home, free of any hazards or safety concerns. We will not be completing a “white glove†test or anything of that nature, just really looking to see that your home is a safe and stable environment for a child. Also we will want to know your plans for which room will be designated for your adoptive child once he/she is placed in your home. You do not need to have a full decorated nursery or fully child proofed home; we know many individuals wish to wait until after being matched or having their child placed in their home before taking those steps.
Our Adoption staff is very friendly and supportive. Our job is to make you feel comfortable during your home study, which many feel is an intimidating process at first glance. Our goal is to be supportive and similar to having a new friend over and getting to know one another. We love questions, we love to help and we are truly committed to helping you achieve a successful, positive home study experience. Yes, the documents can be tedious and overwhelming but we try to break the information into smaller steps to help make the process feel less daunting.
Are you Hague accredited, and if not, does your international home study comply with Hague International Standards? We are not Hague accredited, though our home studies do comply with Hague International Standards. We have collaborated with Hague approved placement agencies and completed home studies under their accreditation.
Do you have experience in completing the home study and working with international placement companies? Yes, we have experience completing international home studies. We have a very informative packet of information for our clients pertaining to internationally specific adoption issues and information. As well, we can link our families to local providers (medical, therapeutic, etc.) who specifically work with internationally adopted children.
Are there other services and benefits you would like to share about your company? Adoption Resources & Counseling, Inc. will work around our client’s schedules. We offer a variety of appointment options, including daytime, evenings and weekends to best accommodate our client’s needs.