Tell us a little about the founding and development of your organization? Adoption Promises was founded 13 years ago when an attorney requested that I provide home study services for families in rural west Tennessee, who were having difficulty getting other agencies to drive into the rural areas. Over the years, the agency has grown mostly from referrals from satisfied clients.
How are your adoption home study and your organization unique? Adoption Promises prides itself on completing home studies very quickly (as long as the family provides the needed documents and can do the visits). As an individual, I do not have the barriers that some larger agencies have.
Why are you passionate about adoption and the home study process?
I grew up with my father assisting families with adoption as an attorney. When approached to do adoption home studies as a social worker, I felt that I was going to be able to continue the work my father had started. Many of my families continue to send pictures every year.
How long is an adoption home study valid? In Tennessee, a home study is good for one year. At the end of the year, we do an update and then it is good for another year. I also update home studies when one of my families needs to complete a home study update for a second adoption.
Approximately how much time is necessary to complete an adoption home study by your organization? Typically, it takes 2 to 4 weeks to complete a home study.
What is some advice you can give to potential adoptive families about the home study process? What should they be prepared for? If you are thinking about adopting, please do not put off completing a home study. If a child becomes available without notice, the family with the home study is most likely to have the baby or child placed with them. Even though everything is completely confidential, you will be asked to provide a great deal of personal information. It is very helpful if you already have copies of birth certificates, marriage license, divorce decrees (if applicable), and tax returns.
What do your home study social workers look for in a home and a family when they visit potential adoptive families' homes? I look for a home that will meet codes for the area and that has the room to accommodate a child. I want families that are stable, financially sound, and willing to address the issues of adoption that children often have to deal with.
Are there other services and benefits you would like to share about your company? As an individual owner of an agency, I have the flexibility to work with families according to their schedules and their needs. They will only deal with one worker, who works hard to put the families at ease. I ask my families to review the home study for accuracy before it is completed so they can see what is going to be said about them. This seems to offer comfort in an otherwise anxious situation.