Adoption Circle FAQ

  1. Tell us a little about the founding and development of your organization?
    Adoption Circle was founded in November, 1991 by three social workers and two attorneys. The three social workers, Lucie Blumenthal, Susan Brewer and Nancy Burley are still with the Agency today. Adoption Circle completed its first placement in the spring of 1992 and has been an active private child placement agency (PCPA) in Ohio ever since. The Agency’s main office has always been in Franklin County with its first home being in Bexley, Ohio. Many of our clients remember coming to our lower level office with no windows. The light from the smiles of our adoptive families brought sunshine down into the basement for nearly sixteen years. The building that housed our office at 2500 East Main Street, Bexley, Ohio 43209 was sold and we needed to move. Off we went to an office in downtown Columbus, with windows. Our families that had been in our first office say that our staff earned their way into the daylight.
  2. How are your adoption home study and your organization unique?
    Adoption Circle has been a leader in diligently working to preserve the rights of Birthparents and children to ensure emotionally healthy and legally sound adoptions. Through compassionate and caring counseling we have been able to assist birth parents and adoptive parents to design an adoption plan that they believe is in their child’s best interest. This is our commitment to you and your child.
  3. Why are you passionate about adoption and the home study process?
    Adoption Circle’s philosophy is that all children have the right to love, security and nurturing; the foundation necessary to become a healthy, happy and productive adult. Adoption Circle realizes that this type of environment may not always be possible if a child remains with his or her family of birth. It is the agency’s belief that birth parents have the ultimate responsibility to make parenting decisions for their children. Adoption should be a parenting decision that birth parents make for their children after considering all of their options, free of pressure and coercion from all potential sources. The primary focus of all of Adoption Circle’s programs is to assist in adoption planning and the placement of newborn and young children. Adoption Circle will effectuate its philosophy and purpose by providing professional counseling for birthparents and adoptive parents contemplating an adoption plan.
 Adoption Circle believes that if adoption is the choice for children and their parents, it should be facilitated by professionals who realize that adoption is a life-long process. Adoption Circle accepts this responsibility and Adoption Circle’s policies reflect a commitment to the needs and best interest of the children of today, the adults of tomorrow. Adoption Circle is committed to providing all parties to an adoption (birthparents, adoptive parents and adopted persons) with the support necessary to make the best possible decision for a child. The agency maintains a staff of highly trained, state-certified adoption assessors, who are available to perform adoption services including birth parent assessments and adoptive home studies throughout Ohio. Adoption Circle will provide adoption services to United States citizens in compliance with the Interstate Compact Rules and Regulations. Adoption Circle shall be an agency of advocacy for all its clients. The agency believes it is important for all parties to be actively involved in designing their adoption plan. Adoption Circle will always attempt to meet the needs of its clients so long as facilitating the designed adoption plan is in full compliance with Ohio law and the agency’s license as a private child placement agency. Adoption Circle provides its services in full accordance with Federal and State Law including the Multi-Ethnic Placement Act as amended.
  4. How long is an adoption home study valid?
    An adoption home study in Ohio is good for two years before requiring an update.
  5. Approximately how much time is necessary to complete an adoption home study by your organization?
    Families seeking to adopt through our agency, home studies can take up to six months and some can be processed sooner. Families seeking home study services only (ie. international or independent home study), the process can be completed between 3-4 months or sooner.
  6. If you complete my home study, do you also have to complete my post-placement visits?
    You are free to use another agency for post-placement visits if you receive a placement outside our agency.
  7. How many post-placement visits does your organization require?
    Once the child is placed with your family, you become responsible for the child’s care. Your caseworker will continue to visit with your family for a period of time after the adoptive placement. These visits are designed to assist you in connecting your new family with services and to discuss potential issues that may arise. After a minimum period of six months, your family will be eligible to petition the court to finalize the adoption.
  8. What is some advice you can give to potential adoptive families about the home study process? What should they be prepared for?
    The home study is a process of education and self-evaluation. It is a time for you and your caseworker to look at your readiness to adopt, as well as identify special parenting abilities that you may offer to an adopted child. The process allows the adoptive family to look at its family structure and support system. During the home study, adoptive parents also will explore their beliefs, attitudes and coping skills. Your caseworker will meet with you and everyone living in your home to discuss the adoption pro- cess. Through a series of group and individual meetings, you will learn more about the kind of children you might best parent. Topics discussed during the homestudy include the following: motivation for wanting to adopt; your life experiences and history; your marriage or relationship with a significant other; your ability to support your family financially; your health; and your support system. When you complete the application for adoption, you will be assigned a caseworker who will work with your family to complete the home study process.
  9. Are you Hague accredited, and if not, does your international home study comply with Hague International Standards?
    Our agency is not Hague accredited.
  10. Do you have experience in completing the home study and working with international placement companies?
    We have experience completing Hague and non Hague country home studies as long as families are working with a Hague-accredited placing agency. We are not able to do home studies for China because China states only Hague-accredited agencies must complete.

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