Michigan  Home Study Professionals

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Keane Center for Adoption
Phone Number:313 277 4664
Coverage Area:Entire State
Web Address:www.keaneadoption.org
E-mail Address:info@keaneadoption.org
Other Info:The staff of the Keane Center for Adoption has 25 years of experience in each step of the adoption process, with a specialty in the area of domestic infant adoption. We routinely complete expert home study services for prospective adoptive parents who are working with adoption attorneys, out of state agencies and family adoptions. Post placement services, such as education and court required visits, are also provided.

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Morning Star Adoption Center
Phone Number:248-483-5484
Coverage Area:Entire State
Web Address:www.morningstaradoption.org
E-mail Address:director@morningstaradoption.org
Other Info:As you enter the adoption arena, you begin one of the most rewarding and emotionally challenging experiences of your life. Morning Star Adoption Center is here to assist you in achieving your goal of a successful adoption. For birth parents, adoption is an extremely difficult choice, but a parent can be rewarded in knowing that they were able to provide their child with a positive future. The adoptive parents are rewarded by the joy of a child in their family that they may not have otherwise known. The child benefits from having so many people that love him or her and are providing good care. Morning Star Adoption Center has been helping families with the adoption process since 1987. Morning Star is a licensed child-placing agency in Michigan and we welcome the opportunity to complete your home study. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible service at an affordable price.

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