Illinois  Home Study Professionals

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Hopeful Beginnings of St. Mary's Services
Phone Number:847 870-8181
Coverage Area:Please call for coverage details
Web Address:www.hopefulbeginning.org
E-mail Address:astefani@hopefulbeginning.org,jkitzinger@hopefulbeginning.org
Other Info:"Every child deserves a loving home" has been our credo since Hopeful Beginnings of St. Mary's was founded over 130 years ago. We have provided the miracle of adoption for hundreds of couples with exemplary education and preparation and provide superior post-placement services. Our experienced caseworkers will prepare a timely homestudy to assist you in completing your adoption. Hopeful Beginnings of St. Mary's is a licensed, non-profit adoption agency specializing in addressing the concerns of future parents through proper education and preparation. We offer intimate counseling and financial assistance to birthmothers and place newborn infants and young children with loving families through our Domestic program. One of our dedicated and compassionate counselors will gladly tailor our services to your needs.

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ABC Counseling and Family Services
Phone Number:309-451-9495 ext. 108
Coverage Area:Contact agency for More Details
Web Address:www.abccounseling.org
E-mail Address:adopt@abccounseling.org
Other Info:ABC Counseling and Family Services, a licensed not-for-profit child welfare agency in Illinois, has been assisting families on their adoption journeys for more than twenty-three years. We work with all members of the adoption triad and provide experienced, professional counseling for expectant mothers and birth families. We are proud to offer home study and post placement services to prospective adoptive families throughout Illinois. Our agency works with all types of families, including single parents and LGBT parents. We are honored to be involved in helping families grow.

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Adoption Center of Illinois
Phone Number:773 334 2300
Coverage Area:Entire State
Web Address:www.adoptioncenterofillinois.org
E-mail Address:rkidd@adoptillinois.org
Other Info:Adoption Center of Illinois at Family Resource Center is an independent, tax-exempt, charitable, Illinois-licensed, Hague Accredited child welfare agency involved in both Domestic and International adoption. We provide Home Study services for Illinois families pursuing all types of adoptions, including, domestic, international, embryo, or the adoption of a child from the foster care system. We are able to make a commitment to completing a Home Study within 90 days, predicated on applicants’ cooperation and willingness to be flexible in scheduling an initial assessment interview, a home visit, and ability to provide required documentation in a timely manner. A Home Study can be conducted anywhere within the state of Illinois. In addition to the Home Study, our agency also provides post-placement services, court reports, and adoption education classes. We also provide services for birth parents considering an adoption plan.

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